Edit Mode Play Mode
New song name:   
Save the displayed song under this new name:   
To insert lyrics relatively quickly, follow these steps:
Save changes
Song name:   
Key: C    C#   D    D#   E    F    F#   G    G#   A    Bb   B   
  Key mode (major = leave empty; minor = m)
  Syncopation [%]
  Tempo preset [bpm]

Voices: Each voice used in the song must have a unique symbol and color. Leave box empty if voice is not used.

  Symbol of voice 1 (max. 2 characters)
Color of voice 1:  

  Symbol of voice 2
Color of voice 2:  

  Symbol of voice 3
Color of voice 3:  

  Symbol of voice 4
Color of voice 4:  

  Symbol of voice 5
Color of voice 5:  

  Default voice (number)
The default voice is the voice that is preselected on loading the song.

Regardless of the default voice, the voice which the user selects by clicking the voice selector is always displayed to the immediate left of the lyrics/syllable column, and is also the active voice to be edited in Edit Mode.

  Allow unison notes
If you DON'T allow unison notes:
  • Any note can be assigned to only one voice.

  • When in Edit Mode, with the currently selected voice A, you click on a note of voice B, this note will be assigned to voice A and be erased from voice B.
If you DO allow unison notes:
  • The same note may be shared by two or more voices.

  • When in the Edit Mode, with the currently selected voice A, you click on a note of voice B, this note will be shared by voices A and B and maybe other voice(s) it was/is assigned to, although the currently selected voice rules over the color of the note in the editor window.

When you change the voice order on the right half of the harmony composite table, make sure to give each voice a unique position:
Voice 1:    1    2    3    4    5   
Voice 2:    1    2    3    4    5   
Voice 3:    1    2    3    4    5   
Voice 4:    1    2    3    4    5   
Voice 5:    1    2    3    4    5   
Transpose the following voice by one octave:
1    2    3    4    5   
up    down   
Transpose all rows
You are about to delete the following data from
Please select your paste option:
Overwrite existing rows
Expand and insert rows
Data to paste:
If you have made unsaved changes to the song, save them now before printing:
Please preselect your paper format:
Letter (8.5" x 11")
Choose the voice you want displayed to the left of the lyrics:
Default voice
Currently selected voice
Clicking OK below opens the printer-friendly version of the harmony composite table (the table to the right of the editor window).

On the printer-friendly page...

  • Click on the 'Print Dialog Box' button to open the print dialog provided by your browser where you have to select the chosen format again and can choose additional options, such as which page(s) to print, hide headers/footers, margins etc.
  • In order to print voice colors, you possibly need to enable both 'color mode' and 'background graphics'.
  • You cannot widen the chords column for long chord names. However, you can click on any chord and change its font size with the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard.
  • You can mark and copy table(s) and paste them in any text app such as Word etc.
The Harmony generator will automatically create the following harmony voices to the lead (voice 1):
  Tenor (T) or Low tenor (LT)
Tenor (above lead)
Low tenor (below baritone)
  Baritone (B) or High baritone (HB)
Baritone (below lead)
High baritone (above tenor)
  Bass (Bs)
Any voice can later be transposed by an octave under 'Transpose a voice by 1 octave' on the Edit menu. Any voice can be renamed under 'Edit song settings'.
Running the harmony generator overwrites all existing voices marked above, either for all song rows, or for the selected span of rows. To create harmony for a single song row, mark the row by clicking it twice.

After displaying the newly created voice(s), the song is saved under the same name.